If you have a payment due with us we can take it from any alternative cards stored on your account. If your lost or stolen card is the only one on our system but you do have another card, you can add this extra card to the system and we can take your payment from that one.
You can update your payment details in the App or online by logging onto "my account" and then "add payment method" in the "billing" section.
You can select "preferred card" if you want to use this one for future transactions. Alternatively, you can click PAY NOW and use this card as a once off - just remember to unclick "store for future payments".
Once you have found your card again or received a new one, you can update the details of your preferred card in your account via the App or website, by following the instructions above.
Note: If you have a Monthly Payments order, you will need to add a debit card.
Don’t have another way to pay?
You can report your card is cancelled/lost or stolen with us here
Note: Card cancellation request can be only requested once a year