If you find an error with a transaction such as a payment amount or purchase amount please let us know as soon as possible. The easiest way to contact us is via the Afterpay App.
Here are some possible reasons why you might believe a charge is incorrect:
- The date or amount of the charge is wrong.
- The charge is for goods or services that you didn’t accept or that weren’t delivered to you as agreed.
- You were charged more than once for something.
- You returned the item, but the credit wasn’t posted to your account.
- You paid for the item, but the payment wasn’t posted to your account.
- You didn’t authorize the transaction.
If the error relates to an order that you placed, please contact the merchant first to attempt to resolve the issue with them. If the merchant is unable to help you, you can also raise a dispute via the Afterpay app by following the steps listed here.
When contacting us, please include:
- The dollar amount of the disputed charge and the type of charge;
- The date of the disputed charge;
- An explanation of why you think the charge was made in error; and
- [if available] Any copies of conversations / receipts that will help the investigation.
Depending on the type of error we may ask you for additional information in order to investigate the discrepancy.