Applying for a home loan is subject to the lender's credit criteria. When applying for a home loan, banks and lenders may ask you about your regular expenses. This may include spending on Afterpay, to make sure you can afford your future home loan repayments. Please reach out to your lender for questions about their lending criteria.
What happens if I’m told I have to close my Afterpay account in order to get a home loan approved?
If you do find this is happening to you, and you don’t want to shop around for another home loan provider, you can close your account with us at any time by simply requesting this via the mobile app or logging into your Afterpay account via desktop. Just make sure your account balance is at $0 before you follow the steps below (it's super easy!). You will also be sent an email confirming the account is closed that you can show to your bank.
If you have closed your account and want to start using Afterpay again, you can reopen your account in the app or online portal following the same steps, and we may conduct identification checks at reopening of your account. We'd love to have you back. Looking for steps to open your account? Click here.
Looking for steps to close your account? Click here.