If you have a transaction on your account that is different to what you were expecting, see below on how you can confirm whether the amount is correct.
What you can do
We recommend double checking the instalments that were due on the date the transaction took place, including the amount. If you have multiple instalments due on the same day which have the same payment method (excluding Apple Pay), they are bundled and processed in one transaction. This means the transaction on your bank statement will be the combined total amount of all instalments due on the same day.
For example, if you have 3 x instalments of $25.00 due on the same date (that also have the same payment method), on your bank statement you’ll see a $75.00 transaction, instead of the individual $25.00.
You can also refer back to the payment confirmation email that is sent to you when your payments are successfully processed (don’t forget to check your junk/spam folder!), as this will provide a breakdown of what instalments (and related orders) were paid.
You can read more on how we process direct debits here!
Still not adding up?
If you’ve double checked your Afterpay account and the owed instalments don’t match up to the amount on your bank statement, please get in touch here or send us a message via your app (be sure to provide the transaction amount, date and last 4 digits of your card) so that we can investigate further.