When an order is approved, all payments will be debited from the card that was selected at the time of the order being placed. To change this payment method, follow these steps:
Via the app:
- After logging in to your app, tap on 'My Afterpay' in the bottom right of your screen.
- Scroll down and tap 'Payment settings' under the 'Account settings' heading.
- Your current preferred card will be labeled as so. Select the new preferred payment method and tap 'Set as preferred'. You can also add your new card on this screen.
- Confirm that you wish to update the preferred payment method. All done!
Via the Afterpay website:
- After logging in to your account via the Afterpay website, click the 'Account' option in the upper left of your screen (or click the 3 lines in the upper left then ‘Account’ if on a mobile device).
- Click the 'Payment methods' tab.
- Your current preferred card will be labeled as so. Click the button with the three little dots next to the new preferred payment method. Select 'Set as preferred'.
- Confirm that you wish to update the preferred payment method. All done!