Please provide your address as listed on your account
Please select your country
So that we can provide the best support, please choose the option/s that best fit with your situation
Please tell us the reason/s for your change in circumstances
You chose 'other' can you tell is in your own words why your circumstances have changed please
How much can you pay us each time?
What is the Afterpay Order Number you need help with? You can find this on the order page when you log into your account
If you are a merchant - Please provide the Merchant ID - this can be found online within your Online Account. If you are a new merchant type NA.
We collect and handle personal data in accordance with our Privacy Policy ( We'll use personal data submitted through this form to manage your account or respond to your query. If you agree, check box to continue.
We collect and handle personal data in accordance with our Privacy Policy ( We'll use personal data submitted through this form to manage your account or respond to your query. If you agree, check box to continue.
We collect and handle personal data in accordance with our Privacy Policy ( We'll use personal data submitted through this form to manage your account or respond to your query. If you agree, check box to continue.
Nous recueillons et traitons les données personnelles conformément à notre politique de confidentialité ( Nous utiliserons les données personnelles soumises par le biais de ce formulaire pour gérer votre compte ou répondre à votre demande. Si vous êtes d'accord, cochez la case pour continuer.
We collect and handle personal data in accordance with our Privacy Policy ( We'll use personal data submitted through this form to manage your account or respond to your query. If you agree, check box to continue.
We collect and handle personal data in accordance with our Privacy Policy ( We'll use personal data submitted through this form to manage your account or respond to your query. If you agree, check box to continue. [ ] I understand